Editor : Nadeem Hasnain

Aspect of Dichotomy between ‘Textual Islam’ and ‘Lived Islam’: Caste and Social Inequalities among Indian MuslimsNadeem Hasnain Page 1 – 16 PDF Download

Tracing the Genealogy of ‘Muslim Other’ in India Mehraj Din Page 17 – 37 PDF Download

The Voices Within: Muslim women and Personal Law Azeem Ahmed Page 38 – 46 PDF Download

The Paint of Muslim Society: Population, Politics, and ReservationTausif Ahmad Page 47 – 63 PDF Download

Dargah of Kichaucha: Its Character, History and SignificanceRahmatullah Page 64 – 69 PDF Download

Islamic Stance on Rights of Women in Marriage Neelofar Rafeeq Page 70 – 79 PDF Download


Issues/Discussion Forum

There is no Church in Islam, but the influence of Traditional Theologians is Enormous, Inhibiting Muslims Adapting to ModernityMohammad Ghitreef Page 80 – 82 PDF Download

Veil is Anti-Qoran S. Faizi Page 83 – 85 PDF Download

Muslims Must Give up Azaan by Loudspeakers, Even Prophet would have Rejected it Najmul Hoda Page 86 – 88 PDF Download


Book Review

Non-violent Activism in Islam: Message of Abul Kalam Azad by Hayat AlviTauseef Ahmad Parray Page 89 – 94 PDF Download


Some Recent Publications on Islam/Muslims

Some Recent Publications on Islam/Muslims Page 95 – 98 PDF Download