Articles normally, should not be more than 8000 words, excluding notes and references, and must be accompanied by an abstract of 150-200 words.
A soft copy either on CD or by email attachment is required for consideration of the editor.
Type all copy-including indented matter, notes and references—double-spaced allowing generous margins at the top, bottom and sides of page. Please do not break words at ends of lines.
Place all the tables at the end of main text, assigning numbers to each one of them in the same numbers whenever referred to, in the text.
Place all the notes immediately after the tables (if any) followed by references.
Within the text, adopt the author-date style of citation minus the comma, for example- (Geertz 1998). If a page is also cited it should be (Geertz 1998:95). When more than one author is cited, the entries should be chronological with works of different authors separated by a semicolon- (Barth 1993; Geertz 1998).
The bibliographic details of all works cited should be given separately under references in the following sequence:
1. Name(s) of the author(s)
2. Year of publication
3. Title
4. Place of publication
5. Name of the publisher.
The listing in references must follow the alphabetical order of the last name of the first author.
Use British Spellings.
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In return for publication, the publisher has the right to reprint the contribution or include it in any edited volume to be published in future.
Every contribution received would be acknowledged immediately and the contributor shall have the right to withdraw it before a formal acceptance is transmitted to her/him. It cannot be withdrawn after it has been processed and edited for publication.
Every contribution should be accompanied by a declaration that it has not been sent for publication elsewhere and not published earlier in any other journal or book.
We send out books for review and we do not normally accept unsolicited reviews. However, in case of a book not sent out for review, even unsolicited reviews may be considered for publication.